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Problem HONG KONG SELEAD took my money

I am having an issue with a company


Hong Kong Selead Group Limited is a Fraudulent company that has Stolen my money.
I sent 16 payments to this company totalling £1.606.87.
My account was then closed and I forfeited all my investment.
Do not type in there web address of www hkselead com because it now represents a porn site.
I contacted Barclays bank and reported the incident and was refunded the full amount within 2 days.
Then a month later I went to use my Barclays debit card in the shop and it got declined. I checked my balance only to see a Debt of £1.555.70 on my current account. I then contacted Barclays bank and they said I had been found liable for the loses and therefore they want their money back.
I am now trying to clear a massive debt when I am on benefits.
Beware of you fall for this company's scam then your Barclays bank will Not cover you for any loses suffered.
Hong Kong Selead Group Limited is a Fraudulent Scam and so is The Barclays Group Limited.
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I have had an account with Nixse since the November/21. I took out some loans to improve the investment, and Nixse released 2% of the free margin for me to pay the loans monthly, but failed to release it for 3 months (June to August), leaving me defaulter.

In September, after the contract with the provider ended,

I decided to request the closure of the account and redemption of my capital, but NIXSE hasn't even responded to my emails for over 60 days. I'm bankrupt because I can't pay the loans, with enough money to pay them off in the account. I can't contact the company. Is there anything I can do to receive my money?
Beware of you fall for this company's scam then your Barclays bank will Not cover you for any loses suffered.
Hong Kong Selead Group Limited is a Fraudulent Scam and so is The Barclays Group Limited.
Did you see the last news about the British rolling historical crime institution?


Consumer protection in the Uk… in fact no improvements what so ever, same old misery for their public Vagueness is definitely the right word……it’s years they argue around this APP Fraud, what a shame !

“Due to the vagueness around these and other points, the PSR has accepted that it is likely that the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will be addressing additional complaints arising from APP fraud during the forthcoming years.



Then a month later I went to use my Barclays debit card in the shop and it got declined. I checked my balance only to see a Debt of £1.555.70 on my current account. I then contacted Barclays bank and they said I had been found liable for the loses and therefore they want their money back.
I am now trying to clear a massive debt when I am on benefits.

Did you keep a copy of all communication from Barclays about this incident? And also their policy on fraudulent transactions?

I would open a dispute with the UK Financial Ombudsman. Barclays may not have been acting fair in this instance.

This website was flagged over 2 years ago as a scam, you can find other threads on FPA. Your scammers are in Cambodia and Myanmar for this specific website but they are now running new websites since HK Selead was shut down. A few arrests have been made in HK and Australia related to this specific website. Money mules in both countries were arrested when withdrawing funds laundered through bank accounts in these countries.