Quitting a job to trade forex full time

I have buddy and it was nerve racking to say the least. You gotta make sure you have financial safety nets in place in order to not need to trade, it helps keep a clear head
It is the plan eventually but as above I need to get all my ducks in a row before pulling the trigger. Once I leave I really don't ever want to go back. I'm still not convinced I will rely 100% on forex for my money even when full time.
I would love to be able to do this, but there is no quick way to achieve it, other than time and hardwork
Ive done it, but it took me over 5 years, even then i had alot of help from my partner to get me going. Its difficult, always remember forex markets is the hardest way to earn easy money
I’m not sure I could ever do this, sounds like a very daunting step to take, would be great to be able to do it though.
would be great to see more threads for traders who have achieved this and show a good example of how they achieved this.
I’ve been trading full time for about 5 years now, started with property and side hustles then saved up more capital for investing And trading. Getting rental properties under my belt allowed me the safety net to make the leap :)
i managed to achieve this status. but it took many years and struggle along the way, its not an easy thing to do