RESOLVED - YouTradeFX You Trade FX SCAM Alert

Hi Amheinrichs !

How are you doing ? Probably you must not be well given your hard-earned money is locked with YTFx. In this month alone, I have already received 4 calls from one of their Client Services Reps regarding depositing money with them and receiving free signals. Its not what it looks like. We may feel the brokers work in the best interest of their clients but behind the scenes, they are not doing that.

Also, even if its a UK-registered and FSA-regulated (now FCA) broker, that doesn't mean they will act ethically. I am really surprised to hear that your withdrawal amount has been delayed and on top of it, you have been bullied by their CEO. This is totally unacceptable. That's why it is recommended that first we should deposit small amounts and see how and what the broker actually does.

If they have delayed your payment, it "MUST" mean, according to my conviction, that they had market-made with some of their profitable clients and lost a big time, and hence, they are delaying. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes and under the green table, only God knows best.

Keep pursuing for your money. What had to happen has already happened. You have been denied your withdrawal bluntly and then you being in another country have been taken advantage of.

Keep your case here, although officially I can't help you, but I am sure with the help of FPA and your friend in HOLs, you will have your money back.

May God Protect Us From Evil of All Kinds.

Go ahead and file an FPA Trader's Court case as well as filing a complaint with the UK FOS.
Ciao a tutti, purtroppo sono caduto anche io nella trappola di questi ladri di YoutradeFX. Ho accettato un bonus che neanche mi hanno accreditato adducendo scuse ridicole, non mi hanno mandato alcun contratto nonostante l'ho richiesto più volte e soprattutto non mi hanno permesso per ben 2 volte di prelevare il denaro! Diciamo che sono in ballo da un paio di settimane almeno e continuo a parlare con un certo RICHARD MARETTI e un altro ANGELO BENEDETTI che secondo me sono la stessa persona, i quali non rispondono alle mie richieste dicendo pure che stanno lavorando bene!! si, per la loro società lavorano bene, rubando i soldi agli alti! Certo 3000$ non cambiano la vita però è davvero triste come si possano sputtanare certe società per delle cifrette ridicole! Comunque sia procedo a segnalarli alla FSA e alla CONSOB, inoltre farò denuncia alla GDF in modo tale che possano anadre a effettuare delle verifiche nella loro sede di Roma, semmai ci dovesse essere. Non so come fanno ad andare a letto felici e sereni questi elementi, soprattutto con quello che potrebbero rischiare se qualcuno dovesse per caso trovarli in giro per strada!
Povera gente, state lontani da questo broker, che come molti altri, millanta competenze e sicurezza per poi mostrarsi veramente quello che è: un rapinatore incredibile! Condividete questo mio commento in tutti i blog, facciamo sapere chi sono certi personaggi!
YouTradeFX (previously Start Forex) is the same company who was before, same employees as Start Forex who is ranked as scam: Start Forex | reviews and ratings by Forex Peace Army

How do these people sleep at night? I highly recommend that you report them to action fraud in the uk as well. If you check my second post in this thread i have given a link. The more people who repot them the more likely they do investigate.
There's no harm in reporting them to ActionFraud and the FOS. You can always update it later if the situation gets taken care of.
It's actually easier than you think:
As they are regulated under the FSA (YouTradeFX), you may contact the FSA to complain Complaints
Now please b aware to the following ground rules:
1.follow their steps 1 to 1 when you fill a complaint
2.try to be specific and keep the complaint short and simple, don't go out of context don't be "emotional" just tell your story
3. try to support everything you say with evidence

Take in consideration that FSA is a big and serious regulator and it can shut their company. Once they see an official complain they will take you very seriously. Plus I think positing in big sites as FPA boosts your complain more.

Good luck
The FSA no longer exists I'm afraid. It was found to be completely ineffective. What has taken its place is the FCA - Financial Conduct Authority. I am working with them directly now. I am definitly hoping that it will get me my funds back!