Tradaxa / Sisma Capital

This is their website right now I guess will expire soon.

They said they are in the regulation of FSP
I send a complaince to FSPR, but it seems they just forward my complaince to FMA and I.S.O.

On the web the company said in regulator of FSPR.
Hi hugorodrigues212, the guy in FMA reply my email, let me talk to ISO. I think I have to talk to them first.

If you do not mind, give me more information. The guy in FMA reply he know someone get the money back.
Something get more and more interesting, I just received a email from FMA, in which said the SISMA CAPITAL is registered in Quebec Canada!

Now they are not regulator by NZ organization, that's why ISO can do nothing with them. I will contact regulator in Quebec, and Visa company as well.
I have beem tracking Sisma adress 38 Birmingham Drive, Middleton, Christchurch, and the office o Helmores Wealth Limited, which i have been contacted before to answer my previous complais, The director of Sisma Capital is one Michel Moshe BENHAMOU
5793 Glenarden, Cote-saint-luc, Quebec, H4W2A5 , Canada
Try and find out everything you can about
Peter Wyllie TEP
Helmores Wealth Limited (as agent for Sisma Capital Limited)
PO Box 8370
Ph +64 3 366 5086
Fx +64 3 366 5542
Cell +64 21 765 763

Director of Helmores Wealth Limited
And Also the Director of Sisma Michel Moshe BENHAMOU
What I wanna make clear is: Did Sisma registe as a company in New Zealand? If so, the NZ regulator has right to charge them or not? But it seems NZ regulator do wanna take care of it.

I am trying to talk with CSE, the regulation in Canada, and see what they can do.

BTW, I email the Sisma, and said: If you do not withdraw my money, I will report to the regulator. You konw what's happened? My account decreased from $6,000 to $1,000 in 50 minutes! Those sucker!