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Problem Class Action- Learn to Trade, Australia

I am having an issue with a company


Private, 1st Class

For information, I have been in touch with lawyers gathering information for a possible Learn to Trade Class Action in Australia, led by Frank Law law firm. They have asked me to help by identifying additional people in the UK who have been duped by Secker and may have paid money into an Australian Bank Account. They are asking for any people who have paid money to give them their details via their website, franklaw.com.au This will allow them to assess the extent of any fraud.

I am currently investigating the extent of the Learn to Trade UK operation, especially following the 2022 Lifestyle Trader events being heavily marketed by Secker all over You Tube. Keen to hear on this site any updates.
As an aside, and it has been mentioned here before, any ‘live’ webinars are actually pre-recorded so don’t be duped otherwise.

Think he has a YouTube channel might be worth reporting him about fraudulent behaviour or least an investigation into such
Think he has a YouTube channel might be worth reporting him about fraudulent behaviour or least an investigation into such
Have seen them all and they will form part of any proceedings. He is hiding under the umbrella of ‘education’ basically but he is constantly bombarding you with accounts of how much money his clients are making which bears no reality to forex trading. The approach will be to identify all of the clear falsities and misrepresentations, i.e stating a webinar is live when it is clearly pre-recorded, to pressurise those ‘lucky 15 people’ to give their phone numbered ‘now’ for the hard sell. Once we can prove he has basically lied then it becomes much easier.
Think he has a YouTube channel might be worth reporting him about fraudulent behaviour or least an investigation into such
Thanks ! That’s the key - focusing on fraudulent behaviour so his Intent is clear making it more difficult for him to disprove his innocent intent. The UK Advertising Standard Authority have already made him remove an outrageous claim around making £3.5m in 20 years (compounded interest) making It clear in their judgement he has no evidence and cannot prove this.
Ultimately, we need to go for his companies and stop him using those as vehicles for his criminality. Company law is the answer here. I am a qualified Barrister and former senior police detective so that helps.
He legit had an article about him recently in Forbes though. Very public place to have your face if you're a scammer. Not saying he can't be of course but what about it is a scam?
He legit had an article about him recently in Forbes though. Very public place to have your face if you're a scammer. Not saying he can't be of course but what about it is a scam?
I have seen it - this is just about him selling himself as a world wide teacher and philanthropist as any high profile publicity is like a drug to him. The reality though as we know is completely different. His whole strategy is to take your money, sell you more more, and never give refunds. If Forbes knew this, which they will, they would never give him a platform.

For information, I have been in touch with lawyers gathering information for a possible Learn to Trade Class Action in Australia, led by Frank Law law firm. They have asked me to help by identifying additional people in the UK who have been duped by Secker and may have paid money into an Australian Bank Account. They are asking for any people who have paid money to give them their details via their website, franklaw.com.au This will allow them to assess the extent of any fraud.

I am currently investigating the extent of the Learn to Trade UK operation, especially following the 2022 Lifestyle Trader events being heavily marketed by Secker all over You Tube. Keen to hear on this site any updates.
As an aside, and it has been mentioned here before, any ‘live’ webinars are actually pre-recorded so don’t be duped otherwise.

There is a remedy under the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which gives ‘consumers’ new private remedies where a trader ‘lies or uses aggressive commercial practices’. This is a bolt on to the main Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Basically, people pressurised into buying these courses can ‘unwind’ the contract and get their money back if reported within 90 days or get a discount on what they paid if out of time for example. There are also damages for ‘alarm, distress or physical inconvenience or discomfort’ with a ceiling of £1,000. So, anyone misled into paying for the recent LifeStyle Trader courses 2022 have 3 months to get out of the ‘contract’ and get your money back.

I am both a qualified Barrister and former senior police detective, so well versed in going after and bringing before the courts people like this.
I am both a qualified Barrister and former senior police detective, so well versed in going after and bringing before the courts people like this.
But clearly you are very new to this forum and new to the world of FX. You'll lose your virginity soon enough.

There is a remedy under the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which gives ‘consumers’ new private remedies where a trader ‘lies or uses aggressive commercial practices’. This is a bolt on to the main Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Basically, people pressurised into buying these courses can ‘unwind’ the contract and get their money back if reported within 90 days or get a discount on what they paid if out of time for example. There are also damages for ‘alarm, distress or physical inconvenience or discomfort’ with a ceiling of £1,000. So, anyone misled into paying for the recent LifeStyle Trader courses 2022 have 3 months to get out of the ‘contract’ and get your money back.

Have you seen anyone actually obtain restitution in this way?
And if so how long did it take from the initial complain until the investigation/court ruling was completed?