UNDECIDED Case# 2013-075 | nick007 vs www.youtradefx.com

This is the answer our lawyer provided regarding the wavier.
I would add two new things to this waiver just to make it stronger. For example, I would include the following:

1. Make it an irrevocable waiver i.e. he cannot take it back. Change the wording to “ I hereby irrevocably waive”.

2. Add an overarching clause to include all possible jurisdictions- “I hereby irrevocably waive any privacy rights I have or may have under any applicable law, act or regulation of any applicable jurisdiction.”

Questo è il contenuto della mail del sig. George.
E questi sono i 2 punti che vorrebbe che io firmassi...
Ma chi firmerebbe una cosa del genere...??? NESSUNO...!!!!

Fino ad oggi io sono stato paziente e disponibile ma mi rendo conto che state solo prendendo tempo e non avete nessuna intenzione di risolvere il mio problema, in quanto i documenti da me inviati sono sufficienti per discutere il caso, ma ogni volta c'è una scusa nuova.
Pretendete che rinunci a farvi causa senza neanche aver discusso e risolto il mio problema...
Prima mi restituite i miei soldi e poi firmo la rinuncia.

Dear Mr. Rubino,

I do not understand what the issue is. I think you misunderstood what we asked to add to the contract.

1. This first point states that you irrevocably waive the right to privacy, it basically means that you cannot decide in three days from now after presenting all of your evidence that we are no longer allowed to discuss your trading details in this public forum. It's to be 100% fair for both sides.

2. The second point simply states that you revoke your right to privacy in all jurisdictions (so that you don't sue us for discussing your trading details in France, Germany, China, Japan etc..).

These are 100% legitimate requests and in addition I have yet to receive an official complaint from you in English so that I can look into your trading history and see what can be done to help you!

Please do not use Google Translate since it is completely impossible to understand.


If you cannot find someone to translate for you then please write a full detailed complaint from A-Z in Italian together with all of the correspondences you had with the company and we will pay for the official translation that the Forex Peace Army can choose (a third party to translate).

Best Regards,
George Becker
Buonasera George,

mi invii il modulo da compilare che lo visionera il mio avvocato e poi lo spedirò a lei e Bill firmato.

Ho incaricato una persona per la traduzione dettagliata della mia denuncia in inglese e presto la spedirò a:

-Youtrade holding limited ( Uffici di Londra )

-a lei e Bill.Saluti
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Buonasera George,

afferma di continuo che aiuta i clienti della youtrade a risolvere i loro problemi, ma nel mio caso ogni volta che le viene fatta una domanda da me (molto semplice ), come ad esempio se è corretto spedire la traduzione dettagliata del reclamo alla sede di Londra della Youtrade Holding limited non risponde mai.

Le mie mail non le riceve, i messaggi privati nel forum nemmeno?
Adesso ho aggiunto una nuova mail. Sicuramente anche da questa mail non riceverà nulla..o inventerà nuove scuse..
Comincio ad essere stanco di essere preso in giro..
Dear Mr. Rubino,

I am not teasing you in any way. Every day (7 days a week) I check my email and this forum to see if there are any updates. Please take into consideration that sometimes when you post on this forum it spends up to 48 hours in moderation and that is why I do not see what you write immediately. Bill is directly involved in all of our communications via email and I have still not received the signed waiver with the two new items we requested. I have also still not received an official description of what happened to you provided in English for me to handle as Italian is not a language I speak. If you were to provide me with a detailed explanation of what happened and the signed waiver with the two points we requested to add (A. That the waiver is international in all courts of law B. That the waiver is irrevocable) then we can immediately begin discussing your case in this forum. Like I said before:
"Help me Help you"

I understand your frustration - your full cooperation would help speed things up, if you agree then I think that it would be a good idea to maybe have Mr. Eddiger (if he agrees as well) involved in our email communications, that is how open I am on the subject.

Best Regards,
George Becker
It is encouraging to see that there is some effort on part of the company through George to see that this issue is settled. I pray that it really gets settled with the satisfaction of all parties. I must admit that we rarely see the brokers making any effort to resolve such issues, that is why we applaud George for making the effort.

George, we are counting on you to settle this one amicably.
è possibile aggiungere un file da allegare al mio caso?Se si come devo procedere?Grazie
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Buonasera George,

le ho inviato la rinuncia firmata, possiamo procedere o mi devo aspettare altre scuse da parte sue per ritardare la risoluzione del mio problema..??
