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    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

WatchLiveForexTrades Colin Atkins

Well I must admit that I am very disappointed to be stooping to reply on these boards, but I do admit this thread 4 days ago really really almost prevented me from joining this service!

This thread is insane and most certainly made me question the live trade room legitimacy many times.

When it comes down to it I think this thread really only shows one thing.

THAT being that regardless of what members say or what forum people say... you have no proof to say that the room service is bad, and the room members may or may not be telling the truth. But who are you to say that they are not??

In the last 2 days I have spoken with Tony and their admins and they have put me in contact with members. From speak with them, I now believe that the room is good as these people have no reason to lie! Hence, I will be joining the live room this week.

Pharoh -- Why would anyone bother posting a screenshot to you people?
Nobody gave them a chance so why would they want to participate here if they are happy?

I will be trading by late this week and I have the guarantee policy for me as well so I look forward to trying this out.

Why don't you fpa people worry about your trading then basing others products!! Shows what you REALLY spend your time doing Pharoh!

Good BYE and cheers!

Springfield, IL USA

Yep, another person who only condemns anyone who questions Tony and Collin. I see you conveniently ignored the questions I posed to the prior Colin supporter. Instead, you asked why anyone should post evidence. I spend my spare time warning newbie traders not to get sucked in by claims that can't be backed up by hard evidence, and I'm proud of it.

Tony was asked for proof months ago. He didn't provide any. That would have ended this whole thread at only one page. If REAL, VERIFIABLE trading results were half as good as claimed, this thread would have been an excellent recruiting tool for the service instead of a warning against it. Instead, Tony did a magnificent job screwing up the service's reputation and ducked all the real questions. Since then, there have been plenty of One Post Wonders who come in, declare anything negative about Tony and Colin to be wrong, and then slip out without offering anything but an unsupported "it works for me".

Add in the lame unethical actions of Sarah and a 3 month commitment to even test out the service, and Watch Live Forex Trades gets a big thumbs down from me.
ok so i had to hunt back a load of pages to even remember my login for this thread.. i was amazed it was still going.
Ok so i have been in the live room since early this year, and also joined tony big pipper service about 2 weeks after it started.
so with big pipper the experience so far has been mixed.. I decided from the start to take every trade he put an alert for, and followed his alerts suggestions to the 't' ( no pun intended) it kinda went ok. the pip count is there but with the constant 50% taking profits, you end up with lots of pips very little profit, last week I decided to take the alerts but move and take profit when I felt it needed to, the results were a lot better, until one trade spikes and retraced thru the stop so it ended up being a 178 pip loss at full stake was wasn't too good, but this week has the GBR trade running at 100 pip approx so far, but unlike the advice from the site i didn't remove 50% profit, i left it running at a full stake , we wil see what happens today.
So my feeling on big pipper - it works to a point.. i don't agree with the way the pips are calculated for winning trades as it appears( and i might be wrong) they are taken at prime levels, not the alerts level.. e.g prime would be 100 pips in front...by the time the alerts is issued it might be 60 pips in front, I say this only because this is billed as a check your charts twice a day service, but if I got this wrong then I am happy to remove that comment.

Ok collins room
Here is the long and short of it... when there is volume and direction in the room its is a good room, when there is not... it of course doesn't work as it working on a short 5 min time frame for trades.
But and this is a big but... the room really should be used to train you to make his 'pip raider' system work for you outside of the room. The results page i recently found out includes ANY trade even mentioned to be taken in the room.. so if a trade on te JPY is mentioned for today, and that trade happens outside the room, it is classed as a room trade, now the issue with that as I see it is this... Colin will hang onto a trade longer outside of the room, and i understand why ..when ur in the room.. i think your dammed if you do and dammed if you dont.

So here is my overview of it
Colins Live trade room

1. teaches you a good system for trading on your own
2. Take part in trades that win and lose
3. Learn you bad habits and how to get rid

1. Trading just live room trades will NOT give you near the results shown on the results page
2. There appears to be no way of seeing if losing trades were taken out side of the room that would class against the room results
3. in low volume markets or lack of direction times, the live room is NOT the place to place trades...

Tony Big Pipper ( I have only used the service for 4 weeks)

1.does enable you to spend very little time each day and be able to trade.
2.The trades can and do make good pips counts
3. It is very easy to use
4. Would suit people with full time jobs who want to get their toes wet

1. With profit taking as the system says.. you make pips, but can easily kill the profit
2. losses can be heavy with a full stake trade going against you. ( although this as only happened once in 4weeks at 178 pips) all other trades I believe have been winners
3. You need a size able bank to take all the trades which I believe is needed as picking one or 2 trades could means them not triggering and then the losing one only triggering.let talk stright number here, with stops of 200+ pips and upto 6 trades possible triggering and only risking 10% total bank,, that is a pretty big account

Overall opinion:

I don't know many traders, and still resist calling myself a trader as I am still learning, however, collins club has taken me from not knowing what a candle stick is to being able to place my own trades with a reasonable degree of success, the big pipper has been good in my experience..but look
Making a wad on the forex isn't going to happen over night.. I personally don't like the results page with at $10 per pip you could make XXXX, but then I also know marketing hype when i see it, a lot of people don't But when a novice arrives at collins page.. they are not there to start a long slow learning curve, they are there because they think forex is the fast lane to riches, and a fool and his money are quickly parted, however , Colins room wil teach a totally noob (i.e me) how to trade, my current goal now is to reduce the % i trade at of my account, aagin all of this has happened with nothing more than colin and tony advice, and my view is a years worth of their fees, is still less then these forex conferences i have seen, so for me its money well spent.
So I would and do advise people wanting to learn forex to join it, nothing better than looking over someone elses shoulder, and colins method is very simply, the non trading time in the room you learn about discipline, their own experiences etc..that has helped me a lot.

Now asking people to apprently post this trade aco**** as proof is bang out of line..I dont care who you are..that falls under non of your business..but if you want a simple trade buy and sell time copy from my account with out the money aspect from it, then sure why not.. my only comment if remeber it contains my own trades as well as room trades, it iwl also include scale out trades etc, So i really don't see the point in it, but if that is floats your boat then i wil post mine. it wil be a simply jpeg,,with the $$ amount cut out.

I think most people who have talked about colins room in this thread havnt done him any favors, however.. I am happy with the way it has worked for me... I dont get paid for anyone i recommend, I stand to gain nothing from posting this, other than setting a few viewpoints straight...Colin is not for everyone, if you think you know it all then stay away, as he wont stand for anyone crap ( just his style) but if you want to learn like I did from the ground up and learn a system that wil allow you to make money, then go for it, but this is NOT a get rich quick scheme.

my offer last time was to even talk to people on the phone who want to ask me questions, that was never taken up by anyone including those caling fake on this service, (although a felow brit did pm me, but i didnt see it until weeks afterwards)
so the offer stil standing, I am just a nobody in the room, i doubt colin or tony even know my name i just sit quiatly in there learning, and taking the wins and the losses with the room, and trying to apply the method outside of the room.
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Avoid! After one month, my total gain was MINUS 10 pips!

Avoid this company as they claim an average of 60 pips per day in their ads but after one month and spending 2-4 hours each day in their live trading room, I came away with a whopping negative 10 pips to show for all my (wasted) time and money (US$500).

As for the refund, forget it. I documented ALL of my trades they recommended, but was told by Sue that their "head office" needed to see my broker statement in order to give me a refund. I refuse to do this as it is private information and asked where it says anything about this requirement on their website. To date, they have not replied and I have filed a disputed charge claim with my credit card company.

Regarding their trading system, it is a very lagging moving average cross combined with pivot points and important price levels (00s). They typically wait for breakouts that may or may not be real. One day, in a time of little action, Colin spent the time asking members what brand of tv he should buy!

I found myself taking my own trades during their live sessions as their system had many days when NO trades were taken, even though there were currency pairs having price changes of 30-50 points or more.

Bottom line, lame trading system and you will not get your money back.
Hmmmnnn... so asking if there's a single employee to post any trade statement or for a single member willing to share even a single day's statement is "bang out of line", but a member with carefully documented results is required to turn in their broker statement to even be considered for a refund.

The funny part is that without the crazy demand for a 3 month commitment plus Tony's rantings, this thread would have only been a simple "does it work for you or not?" and would have died after 1 or 2 pages of people expressing opinions. Instead, it just keeps providing more reasons to not take a risk with Watch Live Forex Trades.
if you had bothered to read my post , you woud have seen I am happy to post the trades from my account, but i am not disclosing my bank or pip rate on an open forum, and asking for that is 'bang out of line' there is no need for you see what i trade at, so if you had read this you would have had no need to post what you did.

I am not here to defend the live room, I personally like it.. anyone thinking a trade room is always gonna give winning trades is quite frankly a moron, I personally havnt seen any claim about 60 pips per day, and like i said in my post - which is something i DIDN'T realise was the 'trade room' trades are not only ones takenin the room , they are the daily key figures and trades mentions they might take in the room.. as said personally i think that is a bit misleading. But the pip raider to me is simply and easy to understand. If you have your own method and its work .. why woud you join a live trading room? to me this room is aimed at newcommers and failing traders to teach and show a simple method.

Why tony or colin dont post their own snapshot..i dont know.. we'll i think colins view it bascially he doesnt care or get involved, as this all seems to be eric coles setup, and i think that is why there is a problem in some poeple view.

The method i could have just got via a pdf..but to me the value of the room is seeing trades go and also go wrong, and learning why.. i like watching others mistakes..its a cheap leason for me.

But lets face it.. no one 'live room'; or system wil please everyone, and tyring to shoehorn a service into a great or crap... is kinda pointless to me, and if you understand why i say that, then you understand life
Just wanted to add to Steve's story. I signed up for this service in part due to the high levels of pips that were supposedly being made very month, and also because of their so-called "100% satisfaction guarantee". This guarantee at first states that you give them 30 days to try out their system, and if you can show that it doesn't work he'll happily give you your money back, no questions asked. This is then followed by a sentence that says that at the end of the day, if you're not happy with the service then "Colin" doesn't want your money.

This is a flat out lie.

I've been embroiled in a month-long ordeal trying to get my money back. My first email simply requested a refund because, as Steve states, most sessions are useless and are spent talking about potential trades or TV preferences. A victory is claimed if they manage to scalp 7 pips in a three hour session. I stated that I wasn't satisfied with the service and could they please issue my refund.

Sue replies that it's not, in fact, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, despite what they wrote on their site. They demanded a 30-day statement from me, which I at first refused because, as I pointed out, they offer no metrics on success. Is one successful trade out of 30 considered proof that their service works? At any rate, I finally gave in and submitted my statement, which by the way showed a loss - thankfully it was only a demo account.

Expecting a quick resolution I instead get another email from Sue stating that it will take 2-4 weeks to review. A month to read a single piece of paper? Absurd. I did wait two weeks, and heard nothing. I tried contacting swreg, the payment company I purchased the course through, but they submitted my request right back to Sue. I then managed to hunt down the support phone number for Digital River, the parent company to swreg. I explained the situation to them and they forwarded the request along to swreg, this time eliciting a response. Apparently if ColinsClub doesn't resolve my issue within 48 hours swreg will pursue an alternate route.

This prompted an email from Sue, in which she sent me the same fr#&^'ing email she sent me two weeks earlier! I politely reminded her who I was, and cc'd the email to someone at their hq named Warren. He's a pleasant enough fellow who offered me a free month on their Big Pipper program, which is just a long term trend trading strategy. In exchange, he wanted me to drop my refund request. I declined. Sue then replied saying that they had until Oct 11th to review my trading history.

And that brings me up to today. I should also let you know that RBC Visa refused to pursue this issue as they said it was a subscription that I entered into, and therefore not fraud, even though I explained that the vendor wasn't honoring their printed guarantee.

I hope this post can help others who are trying to get their money back from this shady outfit. Please share any refund success you may have in this thread so that the rest of us can get our $500 back.

Avoid this company as they claim an average of 60 pips per day in their ads but after one month and spending 2-4 hours each day in their live trading room, I came away with a whopping negative 10 pips to show for all my (wasted) time and money (US$500).

As for the refund, forget it. I documented ALL of my trades they recommended, but was told by Sue that their "head office" needed to see my broker statement in order to give me a refund. I refuse to do this as it is private information and asked where it says anything about this requirement on their website. To date, they have not replied and I have filed a disputed charge claim with my credit card company.

Regarding their trading system, it is a very lagging moving average cross combined with pivot points and important price levels (00s). They typically wait for breakouts that may or may not be real. One day, in a time of little action, Colin spent the time asking members what brand of tv he should buy!

I found myself taking my own trades during their live sessions as their system had many days when NO trades were taken, even though there were currency pairs having price changes of 30-50 points or more.

Bottom line, lame trading system and you will not get your money back.
see i haven't asked for a refund , so I haven't faced this problem, although to be honest, if they offer a 30 day money back program then they should honour it.
With regards to the lack of trades in the live room, of course the live room is only open a small part of the trading day, now when i signed up as stated I expected that this 10pip per day rule would pan out in the live room, but if you just take live room trades then I doubt there are many weeks you would come out on top, the point ( as i found out after joining() is to apply this pip raider method thr the day, then you have a simple method to grab trades.. I trade 5% of my account on each trade, i generally only take one trade at a time, but if it looks like i will take 2 then of course i have my stake for 2 trades. i attached this mornings trades done, i think 2 were in the room as well.
I cant speak for the refund part, i thin if your buying someone method the refund is a grey area as you have the info.. but they should be atleast refunding the room price.
The room itself works for me, as it teaches me and i do learn from it, if you join expecting to be given trades that will make you millions, you don't understand forex,for the simply reason to have just 3 2hr room and expect to hit perfect trades in each would not be expect by anyone who understand forex, when i joined i didn't understand forex, so i needed to adjust my view

But to those who have mentioned they made nothing taking the trades in the room, i do understand, but as an example May in the room, i made narly 200 pips in one week..then other weeks it has been 10-20 pips. you have to apply pip raider outside the room

attached is todays.. some of the trade a trade that i closed out partial stakes (80%) then the finaly 20% got stopped out


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Deceptive email example - "70 Pips a Day: Live Fx Trading Room"

Below is an example email I received claiming 70 pips per day from the Colin Atkins trading room. Divide this by 3 sessions per day and that works out to an average (some days more, some days less) claim of 23 pips per each 2 hour session, right? However, my total gain after one month was a negative 10 pips!


SUBJECT: 70 Pips a Day: Live Fx Trading Room

You probably already know that 90% of Forex Traders do NOT profit
consistently, or even close to it.

And if you can't profit consistently in Forex, what's the point of
throwing your money away over and over?
So, most people therefore eventually do one of two things:

A) Spend thousands for a "professional" trader to show them how to
trade properly and still be clueless in the end.
B) Buy junk ebooks, robots, and signal programs that all prove to
be worthless.

Needless to say, these bogus services all turn out to be junk. But
what about all of the so-called Forex "pros" out there? Well, not
very many of them will actually trade in-front of you everyday in a
LIVE Webinar...

However, this guy I recently found, is the real deal...

Mr. Colin Atkins started trading Forex about 10 years ago, and is
now one of those mysterious 5% of hugely successful traders unlike
the other 95% of us.

What he's done, is created a LIVE TRADING ROOM where members may
log-in 5-days a week, 3-sessions daily and can simply watch him
trade (a few trades per session, nice and simple) and DUPLICATE
what you see him doing. It's truly simple stupid.

He averages around 60+ Pips a day (plus his long term trades he
emails us) , and managed to do over 15,000 pips in the in these
first 9 months of opening up the room! Yes, I know... Insane.

So really, anyone who can simply WATCH this guy trade can duplicate
his winning trades!
NO more "signals" or "systems" that never work for any of us. This
guy is going to be in the same trades with you, and talking to you
live. THIS IS THE ANSWER! It doesn't matter what your Forex
experience is, you can finally achieve what you've been trying to

STOP wasting your money on junk, or thinking that one day you're
going to magically win all your trades.
You're never going to achieve the results you want. You need to
trade with a true professional... Become a professional trader by
Colin's next live trading session and start trading successfully
the way you've always wanted to...

Don't miss out on this. Life is about opportunity, and THIS is a
real one...

Live Trading that you can copy, Interesting idea...

Hope it helps.

Always for your success,
Johnny Flair
Professional Forex Review

Really Bad


I tried this a few months ago.

They charge a large upfront fee and tie you in to at least 3 months membership. Total rubbish service. "Know what I mean mate"!